Channel: ESOUI - AddOns by Phinix
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Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (2.3.94)

Change Log:
v2.3.94 ~Phinix
- Added stack tracking in icon only mode.
- Added proper redirection for default tracking of modified bar ability auras.
- Added scrollable dropdown menus (added in LibAddonMenu 2.0 v24).
- Cleaned up general options tab, various other minor visual tweaks.

v2.3.93 ~Phinix
- Fixed ID display on icon mode auras when debug option to show ID is enabled.
- Fixed right-click aura in icon mode to dismiss (when possible) wasn't working.
- Added blacklist entries for duplicate vampire drain auras.
- Corrected Warden Scorch timer (and morphs) to properly display as AOE.

v2.3.92 ~Phinix
- Fixed a game bug where Warden Healing Seed (and morphs) were reporting a 12 second duration for the ground effect instead of the correct 6 seconds. You can now track your ground heals accurately!
- ADDED PRELIMINARY SUPPORT FOR STACK TRACKING! Currently only the Hawk Eye passive from Bow and Nightblade Grim Focus (and morphs) show stacks, but these are the only abilities I actually know that use stacks so, yeah. Please report any problems!

v2.3.91 ~Phinix
- Fixed bug with no-duration passives like Warden empowered fetcherflies getting stuck when changing zones and other cases where the game doesn't send an end event.
- Fixed Templar Sun Fire and morphs (Vampire's Bane and Reflective Light) Major Prophecy buff to be properly classified and show as "Major Prophecy."
- Rebuilt the addon's internal Major/Minor effect database. Adds 2 new Minor effect sources and 55 new Major effect sources, plus the Templar stuff above.
- Various code cleanup and improvements. For example, special proc durations are now pulled from the ability ID's rather than hard-coded making the addon much more update-proof.

v2.3.9e ~Phinix
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.
- Updated libs.

v2.3.9d ~Phinix
- Re-populated Major and Minor buff list with all current (Morrowind) ID's and effect types.
- Added new dev function to pull all IDs for each type of...

SRENDARR Description:


UPDATE: If you are a member of a PC NA raiding guild and would like to support me in a non-financial way, it would mean a lot to get in on a vet MoL clear. My health issues prevent me from doing this with a normal group (people depending on me), and the Dro-m'Athra skin is the one cosmetic thing I have always really wanted. (Really, this would mean A LOT!)

PM me (Phinix) here if this would be possible, and what all it would entail.

Srendarr adds the ability to track your buffs and debuffs you cast on others, both the long-duration abilities that appear under the Character window as well as the short-term buffs that normally only show via graphical effects on your character. The aura tracking is designed to visually mesh with the standard UI theme but includes many options to change the appearance, and even more options to categorize and filter the auras that may appear including multiple display windows, groupings for auras of a similar nature and a blacklist for unwanted aura display.

As of version 2.0.0 (and above), S'rendarr uses the API changes made in late 2015 to allow for 'perfect' knowledge about aura details. All auras on the player and their target are now displayed and accurate, as is the castbar for the few abilities in game that have a cast time. The downside to this change is the occasional display of 'junk' auras you may not care about. These can be added to the included blacklist or, if you believe the aura should never be displayed, please report its name and when it appeared and it can be included in a 'never show' list built into the mod itself.

/srendarr unlock -- unlock the aura display for movement
/srendarr lock -- relock the display

Additional options will be found in the Settings menu under Addon Settings, S'rendarr....

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