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Group Food & Drink Buffs (1.18)

Change Log:
Version 1.18:
- Updated API for Waking Flame update.

Version 1.17:
- Updated API for Blackwood.
- Minor code maintenance.

- Added support for AUI group and raid unit frames.
- Added support for several quest and other random junk food/drink items.
- Code maintenance and future proofing. Updated API for current PTS as well as live game.

- Updated API for Flames of Ambition.

- Updated API version for Stonethorn.

- Updated API version for Greymoor.

- Added event filters for food/drink buff checks to speed up performance.

- Added support for new Witch's Festival food buffs.

- Updated API for Harrowstorm.
- Removed dependency on LibStub.
- Various fixes and code maintenance.

- Updated API version for Scalebreaker.

- Hopefully fixed a typo causing errors with the Bandit UI support module.

- Added proper detection of enabled group and raid frame addons on startup. Group Food & Drink Buffs should now automatically configure the proper frame type under addon settings based on your currently enabled group/raid frames.
- Added the chat command "/ready" to send a group ready check.
- Migrated global functions to LibPhinixFunctions for speed and streamlining of code. Please manually install the LibPhinixFunctions library.

- Slightly modified the options for icon size to use a table instead of a slider which is more intuitive.
- Minor cleanup and consolidation of some language strings and code.

- Complete re-write for Wrathstone.
- Removed included libs and added note to install separately to avoid possible out of date errors.
- Added support for all new food and drinks currently in the game.
- Added support for Foundry Tactical Combat, LUI Extended, and Bandits User Interface group and raid frames (NOTE: You must select the frames you are using in the options!).
- Added ability to move icons up and down as well as lef...

Group Food & Drink Buffs

http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/usa-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/uk-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/germany-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/france-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/russia-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/italy-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/japan-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/iconscity/flags/32/mexico-icon.png http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/round-world-flags/32/Spain-icon.png
(Click your flag to translate the page. Addon includes in-game support for all listed languages.)


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