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Find Item ID (1.0a)

Change Log:
Version 1.0a:
Quick fix: Made searches case-insensitive.

Find Item ID - v1.0a

Look up item ID's for items containing a text string you specify. Useful for making addons or generating copy/paste links for chat.

Example use:

/script d(FindItemID.ByName("Ambrosia", 30000, 70000))

Will search item ID's 30000 through 70000 for items containing "Ambrosia" key word.
Returns the item name and item ID.


/script d(FindItemID.ByName("Orzorga"))

Will search item ID's 0 through 99999 (default when no values given) for "Orzorga" key word.
Returns the item name and item ID. Most items fall between 30000-70000 which is much faster to search.


/tell @MyAccountName |H1:item:64703:4:14:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:0:0:0|h|h

Replace @MyAccountName with yours and replace 64703 with the item number the above search gives you. This will output a working link to the item in your chat which you can use to test if addons work.


Limitations: I was lazy and didn't bother coding support for spaces and punctuation, so use parts of the name that don't have those in your search.


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