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Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker (2.3.8b)

Change Log:
v2.3.8b ~Phinix
- Fixed omitted nil check causing errors on certain ability use. (Thanks Greevir for the report).

v2.3.8a ~Phinix
- Fixed a typo that was causing enchants and other simulated procs to not function properly.

v2.3.8 ~Phinix
- BETA fix for auras disappearing when "only show player debuffs on target" is checked and others cast the same ability on the target. The current API makes it impossible to track a separate aura icon/duration for the same abilityId applied by multiple sources that are not the player. HOWEVER, this update does allow proper separation of abilities that were cast by the player and ONE copy of the same ability cast by a source that is NOT the player showing simultaneously.
- Changed handling of simulated player cast abilities to pull duration from the ID instead of manually setting them, which now properly accounts for passives that incrementally increase ability duration (like Nightblade Dark Veil).
- Fixed possible issue with some ranks of Caltrops and morphs not showing.
- Fixed Sorcerer Storm Atronach ultimate to track as a short buff and not an AOE.
- Fixed Infallible Aether set proc to properly track as a debuff on the target.
- Added support for Nightblade Summon Shade (and morphs) tracking.
- Added support for Nightblade Grim Focus (and morphs) tracking.
- Future-proof updated API to support Morrowind.

v2.3.7f ~Phinix
- Fixed bug related to adding to group whitelist by ID (thanks Kyoma).
- Added Witchmother Potent Brew redundant auras to default blacklist.
- Added Keep Bonus IX to Cyrodiil filters (thanks Scootworks).
- Some language file updates and other random tweaks.

v2.3.7e ~Phinix
- Improved hud scene hiding exception for sample auras.

v2.3.7d ~Phinix
- Completely rebuilt the group buff code from scratch. Much faster and should no longer generate errors due to previous out-of-range scenarios. Also cleaner.
- Created framework for submenus in custom tab panels. Cleaned up th...

SRENDARR Description:


Srendarr adds the ability to track your buffs and debuffs you cast on others, both the long-duration abilities that appear under the Character window as well as the short-term buffs that normally only show via graphical effects on your character. The aura tracking is designed to visually mesh with the standard UI theme but includes many options to change the appearance, and even more options to categorize and filter the auras that may appear including multiple display windows, groupings for auras of a similar nature and a blacklist for unwanted aura display.

As of version 2.0.0 (and above), S'rendarr uses the API changes made in late 2015 to allow for 'perfect' knowledge about aura details. All auras on the player and their target are now displayed and accurate, as is the castbar for the few abilities in game that have a cast time. The downside to this change is the occasional display of 'junk' auras you may not care about. These can be added to the included blacklist or, if you believe the aura should never be displayed, please report its name and when it appeared and it can be included in a 'never show' list built into the mod itself.

/srendarr unlock -- unlock the aura display for movement
/srendarr lock -- relock the display

Additional options will be found in the Settings menu under Addon Settings, S'rendarr.


New in 2.3.5 is the option to show buffs with a duration for everyone in your group or raid on their unit frames. You can either whitelist specific auras to track, or show all buffs with a duration that you don't specifically block. Full customization and positioning options, with built-in support for vanilla, Foundry Tactical Combat, and JoGroup frames.


Some new debug options have been a...

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